Renovation of St. Joseph’s Church in Palmyra, Missouri

For those that like to keep up with what’s current in the world of church renovation projects…

News and excerpt obtained from an article by the Herald Whig.

St. Joseph Catholic Church in Palmyra — celebrating its 150th anniversary this year — is in the midst of its first major redecorating effort in 48 years.It’s all part of a three-year, $252,000 capital campaign launched in April 2015. At that time, the church kicked off a drive to raise all the money needed to make a series of repairs and enhancements to the church, rectory and parish hall.

The news article does not show renders of how the church interior will look after the new paint job so no commentary on that.  However, it is good to see that the parishioners are stepping up and doing what it takes to keep the church in good repair.  Far too often we hear news of another dilapidated church being demolished.

Though Altare Design has no involvement in this project, congratulations to the parish and may God bless the project.

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