Have a perfect product but can’t get it to launch due to a lack of supply?

Consider sourcing them from a US supplier that is always available to provide support and service.  We have worked with companies in the music instrument trades, wood eyewear retailers. drone builders and more.

a box for a veteren's burial flag

Flag boxes for funeral homes, valve fittings for player pianos, wind chest assemblies for organs are just some of the products we’ve produced for our clients.

Rebuilt part for mechanical piano or organsmall production run of guitar parts

mechanical piano parts ready for shipment

Musical instrument builders may find it more economical to buy intricate parts from us.  We’ve got years of experience setting up for small production runs.

Sunglasses made from wood

One of the more challenging tasks has been developing the procedures for producing high quality wood frames.

Time to launch that million dollar product?

Please feel free to contact us.  You will always reach someone with the expertise and knowledge to answer your questions.



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