In need of luxury display cabinets or furnishings to improve the image of your property?

We are designers and builders of unique, custom woodwork.  If you need a trophy case or a special conference table for example, we’re staffed and equipped to handle the job.

Wine bottle detail along front of custom cabinets

At this wine bar for example, the correct ambiance is just as important as function.  Decorative wooden “wine bottles” and under-cabinet lighting play a big role in this.

cherry cabinets in wine bar

This is done without sacrificing any features that contribute to good function.

cherry and ash display cases

This is an excellent example of our specialized skills applied to cabinetry.  The result is a collection of functional yet elegant woodwork.  These three units are shown just after the install.  The protective plastic sheeting has just been peeled back.

Wood hinge maple press

And occasionally, a small but special piece of equipment is needed.  This has to be the most over-built haurache press ever made.

Need to improve the visual presence of your institution?

Please feel free to contact us.  You will always reach someone with the expertise and knowledge to answer your questions.



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