Markets Served

_______Church Furniture_______

This is our primary market and our favorite sort of work.  Our specialty is designing and creating tradition-inspired, sacred furnishings for Catholic institutions as can be seen in our portfolio.  To better service these clients, we continuously expand our offerings which include but are not limited to, sanctuary furniture, pews, vestment cabinets and refinishing and restoration work.  Click to learn more.


Schools, businesses and other institutions often find our services are exactly what they need and we are happy to oblige in this case.  Cabinetry and refinishing contracts are the most typical for this clientele.


As our reputation spreads, many people desire to obtain the same personalized service and quality of work we’ve become known for in our church projects.  Church furniture is built to last generations and when this is carried over to residential customers, it automatically results in heirloom pieces that are designed to outlive the current artisans of Altare Design.

Parts Manufacturing and Supply

More and more small businesses are turning to us as suppliers of customized, wooden components.  With our capabilities in 3D computer design, CNC, laser-cutting and engraving plus our expertise in conventional machinery, jig-making and hand tools, we have the ability to provide precisely machined parts that cannot be purchased from any regular suppliers.  Currently, we are providing parts for clients in the guitar, pipe organ and eyewear markets.


We provide full delivery service to anyone in the 48 states and will ship product to all 50 states.  Those interested in visiting our facility in person can do so by appointment and we are located in South Chicagoland near Kankakee, Illinois which is an hour’s drive from Chicago.

Something we can do to help you?

Please feel free to contact us.  You will always reach someone with the expertise and knowledge to answer your questions.



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